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Eugene Friesen and Elizabeth Rogers in Concert
Saturday, May 27, 2017, 07:00pm
Hits : 409


An amazing cellist and an amazing singer and songwriter who magically blend and create an emotional ride you won't soon forget! It's not every day you get to hear a 4 Grammy winning cellist - Eugene Friesen - and a singer - Elizabeth Rogers - with a magnificent, operatically trained voice who also writes songs that Eugene's cello was made for. 

Last year's performance was the highlight of a great season. The word is out, so make your reservations now! Scroll down for the "attend" button ad follow the instructions.

Save $5 with advance ticket purchase - $20, 25 at the door.


Location Crow Town Gallery
406 South Lubec Road

The Crow Town Gallery is now the home of Cobscook Pottery. Cobscook Bay Music looks forward to continuing to present concerts in the wonderful setting of the Gallery with its new owner, Shanna Wheelock. A million thank yous to Bonnie Beard for her many years of supporting music in Lubec.

Registrations are now closed