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Slaid Cleaves last Sunday livestream
Sunday, June 20, 2021, 04:00pm - 05:00pm
Hits : 343
Online Live from Wimberley
That's right folks, we won't be able to livestream as we head north for the next couple of months, so this will be the last Sunday Livestream for a while.  It sure has been an unexpected gift to be able to stay connected with (and supported by) so many of you over these maddening months.  Set a reminder and watch live Sunday, June 20 at 3 pm Central Time HERE on YouTube.

The good news is:  We are hard at work, booking several upcoming tours (finally!): East Coast in October, Texas and Southwest in November, Northwest and California in April.  There are just a few shows posted on the tour page now, but we expect to confirm many more over the coming weeks.

If there's a song Slaid can play Sunday that would brighten your day, just reply to this email with a request or dedication.  We'll do our best to get it into the set list.

Karen & Slaid
Location Online

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