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Hiroya Tsukamoto
Saturday, October 26, 2019, 07:00pm
Hits : 1430

From Kyoto, Japan, guitarist, singer, and story teller Hiroyo Tsukamoto will perform original tunes, a bit of jazz, and create impressionistic music paintings. A house concert in the Puffin Room, a short walk from metropolitan Lubec. Potluck and kitchen party and a musically social evening.

reservations required

If this concert fills up quickly, maybe Hiroya will be willing to stay over for another concert on Sunday!

Location House Concert
207 733-4570

House concerts are hosted in private residences and so location is not published. This is done for privacy reasons and also because reservations are required due to limited seating. Call or email the contact information to reserve a seat and get directions.

House concerts are a great way to enjoy music in an intimate setting, meet the artist, make new friends, and meet your neighbors. Most are "potluck" with a before and after "kitchen party" and often a music jam or song circle.

location is a short walk from downtown Lubec (but uphill). address and directions provided upon registering.
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