"They Can't Take Away Our Music" - Eric Burdon and War

Web Sites by E-most Fred

Easternmost Fred - Photos, poems, stories and things that live in Fred's head
Avialantic - once focused on mid-atlantic area aviation, in the future it will be of a historical nature
YouTube - CB Music concerts and other videos - music, birds, bird music...

Events Calendar

Flat View
By Year
R&T "Double Americana"
Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 12:00pm
Hits : 4045

The Rough & Tumble, aka Mallory Graham and Scott Tyler, on Facebook for a weekly Wednesday at noon pick-me-up. You can watch Double Americana whenever you want, but it works better if you watch it live. Looking forward to their 15 minutes of fun each week is great therapy for the covid craziness. They gave their sanity so you can keep yours. Watch and find out "What's in the Fruit Bowl?" 

R&T Facebook

Double Americana

Location Online

Streaming Concerts and other Web presentations


bringing classical music to all audiences

