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Andrew McKnight - "Spring Forward" streaming concert
Thursday, March 21, 2024, 08:00pm
Hits : 334

The last one for my "Long Nights Winter Livestream Series" will welcome spring, infused with a little Celtic this and that because tis that season after all, and maybe a primarily request show too! I imagine I'll be talking about the spring tour (still a few dates stubbornly refusing to take shape but there are shows in various places) and the Sound of Home film about my beautiful Fairbuilt Guitar Co. made from local native wood that releases April 3rd (watch for an event for that), plus who knows what else (probably NOT taxes). If you're planning to come, I'm already considering requests from my discography so leave yours here and we'll see what kind of setlist takes shape. And of course, I'm always grateful to reach new potential ears, so thanks for sharing this with your family and friends. One week away!

Location Online

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